Mustard Seed

Product Code: MS/DRT
HSN Code: 09109919
Product Description: The mustard seeds which has undergone fumigation, sterilization.
Botanical Name: Brassica juncea
Country of Origin: India
Pack size: 25kg high density poly bags with inner liner
Appearance/Colour: Spherical seeds, brownish red
Flavour and Odour: Strong mustard flavour and light aroma
GMO Status: Not genetically modified
Particle Size: 1mm x 2mm
Purity: 99.5%
Broken Seeds/Splits: 5%
Admix: 0.5%
Pest Infestation: Free of infestation.
Shelf Life: 12 months from manufacturing date, in original unopened
packaging under recommended storage conditions.
Storing: Cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; unopened in original
packaging preferably in ambient temperatures.

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Mustard seeds are an excellent source of several vitamins, including vitamins C and K, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and folic acid. They have a high percentage of dietary fiber and are a valuable origin of several bioactive combinations, such as antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These seeds are considered an essential spice in many regional foods and may come in three forms: black mustard seeds, brown mustard seeds, or white mustard seeds. By flavor and aroma, yellow mustard seeds (also called white) are the mildest, while brown and black mustard seeds are much more sizzling and spicy.

Black mustard seeds are primarily used in Indian cooking, especially in south Indian and Bengali. They are added at the start of the dish and fried until they pop and unleash their unique peppery flavor and add a nutty taste to the cooked dish.