Black Pepper Powder

Product Code: BP/MG1
HSN Code: 09041130
Product Description: The Whole Black Pepper Crushed
which has undergone fumigation, sterilization.
Botanical Name: Piper nigrum L
Country of Origin: India
Pack size: 25 Kg High Density Bags
Appearance/Colour: Free Flowing Particles / Black, Grey and Brownish
Flavour and Odour: Typical, strong and hot, no off-taste
GMO Status: Not Genetically Modified
Particle Size: 95% pass through 25 mesh
Purity: 99.5%
Foreign Matter: NIL
Shelf Life: 12 months from manufacturing date, in original unopened packaging
under recommended storage conditions.
Storing: Cool, dry place out of direct sunlight; unopened in original packaging
preferably in Ambient temperatures.
Pest Infestation: Free of Infestation.

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Obtained by crushing small dried berries i.e. peppercorns growing on the vine of the Piper nigrum plant, Black pepper powder or kali mirchi finds its way onto the tables of most houses across the world. Derived from the Sanskrit word pippali and commonly referred to as “black gold” or “king of spices”, black pepper has been grown in India for many years.